Work plan

The work in the project is structured in 4 work packages including a work package for management and dissemination and three work packages with focus on Research and Technology Development (RTD). All the work packages have clear interconnections and close interdependence on one another. The composition of activities and types of partner involved in each work package will ensure the cohesiveness of research and development within and beyond the work package.

Research in this project will start by thorough review of existing technologies and the best practices in the related areas and collection of client demands in WP2. Parallel, research in WP3 will focus on technical development of the concept for different refurbishment scenarios. The research in the project, will then move on to design and demonstration phase in WP3 in which the first prototype of the concept will be tested.

Close interaction of activities in WP2 and WP3, ensures the necessary adjustments during the concept development with regard to requirements that the concept should meet from the client point of view. WP4 finalizes the concept by proposing a comprehensive design model and a standard operating procedure (SOP), supported by ad hoc computer program, for the technology to be commercially accessible by the related stakeholders.