Journal Papers

S. Bennati, D. Colonna, P.S. Valvo (2016):Evaluation of the increased load bearing capacity of steel beams strengthened with pre-stressed FRP laminates,  Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, (38), p. 377-391.

A. Pasquale, F. Ricci, J.C. Miranda Santos, P.S. Valvo, E. Davini, C. Alocci (2017): Il progetto europeo SUREBridge – Un utilizzo innovativo dei materiali compositi per il recupero sostenibile dei ponti stradali esistenti, Galileo, Anno XII, n. 1, p. 17–26.

E. Davini, P.S. Valvo, F. Ricci, M. Veltkamp, R. Haghani (2018): Il progetto SUREBridge / The SUREBridge project, Compositi Magazine, Year 13, Issue 47, p. 8-14.


Conference Contributions

S. Bennati, D. Colonna, P.S. Valvo (2016): A cohesive-zone model for steel beams strengthened with pre-stressed laminates, ECF 21 – 21st European Conference on Fracture (Catania, Italy, 20-24 June 2016). In: Procedia Structural Integrity, 2, p. 2682–2689.

P.S. Valvo, E. Davini, C. Alocci, A. Pasquale, F. Ricci, J.C. Miranda Santos, M. Veltkamp, R. Haghani (2017): The European project SUREBridge – A case study in Tuscany, XXIII AIMETA Conference (Salerno, Italy, 4–7 September 2017).

J. Yang, R. Haghani, P.S. Valvo, F. Ricci, M. Veltkamp (2017): A new concept for sustainable refurbishment of existing bridges using FRP materials, SMAR 2017 – 4th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (Zurich, Switzerland, 13–15 September 2017).

J. Yang, R. Haghani, M. Al-Emrani (2017): Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Externally Bonded FRP Laminates Pre-stressed with A New Method, SMAR 2017 – 4th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (Zurich, Switzerland, 13–15 September 2017).

P.S. Valvo, E. Davini, F. Ricci (2017): The European project SUREBridge – Analysis of laboratory test beams, CAE 2017 – 33rd International CAE Conference and Exhibition (Vicenza, Italy, 6–7 November 2017).

P.S. Valvo, E. Davini, F. Ricci (2017): The European project SUREBridge – Analysis of a case study bridge, CAE 2017 – 33rd International CAE Conference and Exhibition (Vicenza, Italy, 6–7 November 2017).

P. Fisicaro, P.S. Valvo, C. Borri (2018): Evaluation of the elastic stiffnesses of multi-directional laminates by bending tests, ESMC 2018 – 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference (Bologna, Italy, 2–6 July 2018).


D2.1, Refurbishment of existing concrete and steel-concrete bridge structures, Download.

D2.2, Client Demands and Role of Innovation in Refurbishment of Existing Bridges, Download.

D3.1, Conceptual Design of the GFRP deck Element and its Connections, Download.

D3.2, Preparation of Test Specimens and Experimental Program, Download.

D3.3, Validation of the SUREBridge Solution, Download.

D4.1, Standard Operating Procedure for the Assessment of Existing Bridges, Download.

D4.2, Design Model for Innovative FRP Refurbishment of Concrete Deck Bridges, Download.

D4.3, Software Tool for Sustainable Refurbishment of Existing Bridges, Download.

Master Theses

Friberg, E., Olsson, J., 2014, Application of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Materials in Road Bridges – General Requirements and Design Considerations, Master Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.

Davini, E., 2016, Un caso studio del progetto europeo SUREBridge: il ponte sul fiume Elsa in località Isola di San Miniato, Master Thesis, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa.

Dyrresjö, P., Eskilsson, M., 2017, An analytical approach for flexural strengthening of double-T slabs with prestressed CFRP laminates, Master thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.

Ahlgren, P., Edwijn, J., 2017, Flexural strengthening of concrete structures with prestressed FRP composites, Master thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology.